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Dividends received from the wealth portfolio companies.

August 2022

July 2022
₹729 received from Asian Paints on 1st July 2022. Asian paints had declared dividend of ₹15.50 on 10th May 2022.
₹ 7672 and ₹806 received from HDFC Bank. 
₹2527.50 dividend recieved from NAM on 19th July 2022.
₹1186.5 received from Brittania Industries on 22nd July 2022.

₹ 1087.50 dividend received from Titan on 29th July 2022.

June 2022
₹ 1012 received from TCS on 13th June 2022. Tcs had declared dividend of ₹ 22 on 11th April 2022.

March 2022
In the month of march 2022, I have received dividends from the following companies...

₹ 2609 received from RECLTD on 3rd March 2022
₹ 1175.30 received from BDL on 4th March 2022
₹ 1242.5 received from VIP Industries on 15th March 2022. Company declared dividend of ₹2.5 (I am holding 497 Shares at avg.holding price of ₹402.2)

April 2022
₹212.5 received from SBI Cards on 13th April 2022. Company declared dividends of ₹2.5 per share. I am holding 85 shares at avg. Holding price ₹585.

May 2022.

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