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Think Big and Grow Rich - Sip Wealth Creator

(This video is one of those raw videos when I had just started youtube. This video's audio quality is pathetic and hence I think it would be better to write down the article so that I do not need to remake the video and I can share the thought in your language so that it can be beneficial to you. Always remember, I have kept these raw videos because  I always believe in progress over perfection and success is just a journey where you gradually grows.)

Hi, Have you ever thought of buying a lottery ticket? If yes! then what is the price tag of that ticket? 1 lakh, 5 lakh, 10 lakh, 50 lakh, 1 crore or 10 crore. I know most of the people (80%)  will be stopped at 10 crore. And harsh reality is that you can earn quite more than 10 crore or even 100 crore or 1000 crore. 

To achieve this kind of success all you need is to cultivate the mindset of abundance. "There is no upper limit for success". "Sky is the limit". 

Napoleon Hill is a world renown writer and he has written very good statement in his best seller book Think and Grow Rich"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve".

So, the first thing that we need to develop in Investor mindset is that, "Thing Big". Once you start thinking big you will start getting success easily. 

One more thing, Being investor we do not believe in luck or lottery. We never believe in winning of the basis of luck as we strongly believe that there is nothing like luck. Instead we build system and our system works for and give us success. 

Additionally, let me tell you one thing, Have you heard about the IPO (Initial Public Offering) that is launched on stock exchanges are kind of lottery itself. We will learn more about IPO in upcoming videos. For now we will restrict our discussion about investor mindset topic "Think Big and Grow Rich". See you in next video with new topic. 

till then Happy Investing and have lots of fun.

#Investing, #Invest #InvestorMindset #InvestMindset 

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