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2020 - 27 lakh to 36 lakh. - Sailing through the market corrections.

Just like Harry Potter movie dialouge, "One more year has passed" and with that its a time to check the portfolio, how it has performed.

This year was special as it brought so many twists and turns starting from the stagnation in economy to COVID-19 pendamic that resulted into stock market crash and then a v shape recovery in markets.

In last one year, I have seen the fastest correction in the market and sailed it well, just because of the well designed strategy. I am not having any losses, instead I am able to grow the money substantially during the year.  In the previous year, the wealth grew to rupee 27,29,695 and this year it has grown to rupee 36,41,864. Now, right now stock market is trading at high valuation and hence I am having less exposure to markets and major portion of the funds is invested in debt funds and fix deposits (sitting on cash) with a view to grab opportunity as and when appear.

Here are the screen shots for more insights.
sip, sip wealth creator, SIP wealth Creation, Mutual Funds, Investing, Mutual Funds for Beginners

Fix Deposit Investments, wealth Creation, Rich, Earn money, grow money
stock portfolio

Numbers as of 27-07-2020...

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