16.5.2023 Daily Stock Portfolio
Today, on 16th May 2023, Stock market in India has moved in three different directions. Large cap stocks has moved down, mid cap stocks has moved up and small cap stocks has remained flat. Today #nifty moved down -112 points (-0.61%) and closed at 18,286. #midcap100 moved up +83 points (+026%) and closed at 32,792. #smallcap remained flat with weakness of only -1 point (-0.02%) and closed at 9,885.
Today #stockportfolio has moved up ₹8,381 (+0.35%) and now the latest market value of stock market has risen to ₹23,99,803 (almost 24 lakhs). Today again it was day for the heavy weights, they have performed well and pulled the portfolio. Today #bdl (#bharatdynamics ) moved up +3.58% #bajajfinance moved up +1.08% and rest of the stocks remained flat to negative.
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