Today on 24.5.2023 stock market has again taken two different ways, large cap taken a rest and midcap continued to move up. Today #nifty moved down -62 points (-0.34%) and closed at 18,285. #midcap100 moved up +69 points (+0.21%) and closed at 33031. #smallcap has again remained flat with upside move of only +1 points (+0.02%) and closed at 9,949. Today #stockportfolio moved down ₹-7,656 (-0.32%) and now latest value of portfolio is at ₹ 23,71,728.
Today stock portfolio is attempted to be pulled up by #titan #marico #recltd and portfolio is dragged by heavy weights #hdfcbank #bdl #vipindustries and as most of the heavy weights were dragging and hence portfolio went down.
About markets, it's again not fallen heavily today despite all the negatives clues, instead it's slowly and steadily moving up like the elephant 🐘. And as long as markets keep moving up at regular intervals we are not at all bothered about the few days where we will be having flat move or little bit down move in portfolio.
By the way, I think investing is very easy way to build wealth. let me explain with small example. now if we count - there are around 220 trading sessions and out of that lets say 74 days markets move down and then 74 days markets move up (making it equal - no profit no loss) and then there will be 72 days with pure upmove and if everyday our portfolio moves ₹10,000 up then also it would be up ₹7,20,000 per year without doing anything, and with good companies this daily ₹10,000 can be ₹15,000 or ₹20,000 and then profits will be much higher with very less stress.
so, that's it for today see you tomorrow 😃.
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